Friday, February 21, 2014

We'll Do The Tennessee Waltz

Hello, you beautiful Tennessee people!  My name is Margie.  This is all new to me.  I'm just about 95 years old and all my people, generations back, were from Tennessee.  You're the best cooks in the world!  I'm from Ohio, but they can't take the South out of me.  It's always been there and it always will be.  The best music in the world that my ears will ever hear is from Tennessee.  I love every one of you down there!

My friend, Bonnie:  Are you looking at this website?  My little friend, Kathy, has introduced this to me.  Any of you all down there that last name is Robins, I KNOW we're related!  So get your rear end off of that rocking chair and answer this call to you all.  We'll do the Tennessee Waltz together (thank God) before I leave this earth.  And by the way, I'm NOT senile.  I may be a little kooky, but I have fun every day, laughing my way in this mixed up world.  Boy, am I glad to meet you all again.   I would love to have some of your recipes: the old fashioned kind.  If your grandmother is still alive, get a pencil and paper and send them my way. 

Listen, you all! I have a tale to tell you all.  Back here, in the North, when you turn up your toes for the last time, my casket will be going into my church (which it will be) and the congregation will be singing Near to God.  When they bury me,  I'll sit up in my casket, turn and look at you all, and I will say, "Hi, you all!  I'm on my way to Tennessee!"

Goodbye for now.  See you next week.