Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life Is Nothing But A Bowl Of Cherries

Let's go!  Hi, everybody!  I'm Margie!  Last time, I checked, I was Margie!  First of all, I want to say, "hi," to Linda and Jim.  You talk about me sounding like a fun person.  Well I see you, Linda and Jim.  I see you on the computer.  You're a handsome couple and you look young, young, young.  Well that wasn't nice because I don't know how old you are!
I know I'm alive because when I woke up this morning I pinched myself and it hurt.

Hi, I'm Kathy, Margie's friend.  At the moment, she has a mental block.

Ok,  Margie is back with you again.  I think I am.  Oh man, they say growing old in the middle ages is the golden years.  I'd like to get ahold of that person who said it's the golden years. They're more like the drying up years.  No, I'm just kidding.  And by the way, I have a question from all of you out there.  I haven't been hearing anything from anybody.  Wake up and smell the flowers because you're way behind me.  In another hour I probably won't remember where I am, but life is beautiful I think.  I know it is. Kathy's trying to help me out here.  I've got a mental block and I hope the Dear Lord lets me get rid of the mental block.  Oh, He will.   Speaking of a mental block, I hope my memory does come back, that is if i have any memory left.  That's a subject I dwell on myself.  Life is nothing but a bowl of cherries.  Those cherries is rotten and dried up and blown away.  I sound like an idiot.  I sometimes wonder if I'm in this world or out of this world.  That's the pits.  Did you ever stop to wonder if this world is a dream?  i'm jealous of you young people, so I'm giving you something to worry about.  Ask yourself the question: Is life just a dream or am I living here?  Sometimes I think people are thinking as I'm talking to them, "She's certifiable," but really I'm not.  At least the last time I heard Margie talking to herself, she said that.

Now I know what those radio personalities say when they've got a mental block.  Now I forgot what I was talking about.  Kathy just interrupted me and I don't remember what I said.  I'm having a heck of a time, Linda and Jim.   Hang in there.  I am normal and I'm not schizophrenic.   I don't think so.  Well that gives me something to think about.  Sometimes, I  think to myself, "Have I died and gone to heaven or am I alive laying in this bed"  By the way, I just gave you all something to think about.  Is this the real life or a dream?  Let me know if you want to.  

Let me tell you about my cat.  Now, my daughter has a cat named Lola, a little female of course.  My cat, being a Maine Coon bosses her, walkin around doing the Gestapo walk through the house and crackin out his orders to her, but she's a smart little girl.  As she passes him by, she will hiss and then take off running and then him right after her.  Do you see what I'm trying to really tell you people is when you become elderly, I mean when you become ancient, the life of your cat means a lot to you.  Kathy just said the life of her cat means a lot to her too!  Dear Kathy, she has the patience of a saint.  She has to with me and then when she goes home, I know she goes to bed because she's exhausted trying to understand, "What in the world did she say? What did she mean?" Don't try to figure it out, Kathy, or you'll go bonkers like me.

Sometimes I wonder, "Am I Margie or who is that old lady sitting there mumbling to herself and then laughing like and idiot at her own jokes?"  But all you people out there, I bet I have a better time than you do worrying about your bills and everyday things.  I don't have that worry anymore.  First of all, I don't have to pay bills,  I think I paid it. Well they'll tell me if I did or not.  You see, I can't remember what to worry about.  I can't think of what to worry about and then I let it go.  My mother said, "Don't borrow trouble 'til trouble borrows you."  And by the way, as you're sitting there letting your mind drift, be careful honey.  It might not drift back!  I think that's what happened to Margie.  I think I'm Margie.  Oh well.   Life is a lot of laughter.  I think so.  Well that gives me something to argue about.  I hope when you're done listening, you don't either take to the bed or you have a beautiful cocktail to be able to figure out what I am saying.