Friday, June 6, 2014

The Parrot That Talked

I had a parrot named, Jack.  There were two parrots and I was accidentally sold the parrot that talked, not the one that didn't.  The guy who sold it to me wanted him back, but I wouldn't give him back.  I'd already fallen in love with him.  Oh how we loved that parrot.   He was from Panama. Yellow, gold, and orange. We paid 100 dollars for him and that was back in the 60's.  I could write a book about that parrot.
He had a vocabulary same as mine so you'd think it was me.  They're copycats.  He would say, "Giddy-up, giddy-up. Woah, woah." He was watching the cowboy shows with Roy Rogers that I would leave on when my husband and I were at work.  He copied everything that he heard Roy Rogers say on Saturday afternoon.   He copied the Indian, Tonto, too.
Jack was a comedian.  Parry taught the parrot to whistle, so Jack would whistle at the girls as they walked down the road.  
My oldest sister, Helen, worked at the hospital and her best friend was a nurse there.  She was telling the nurse that Jack talked and whistled and Hellen didn't believe her, so Hellen came over and walked up to the cage and said, "Hello, Jack."  He said, "Hellooooo there! You wanna go to bed?!" I used to say that when he wouldn't shut up and I'd throw the cover over him.  She got hysterical and told every doctor at the hospital about Jack.
I wouldn't allow him out unless my husband was sitting right there.  My husband would take him out of the cage, but I didn't want to because if he bit you, he could take part of your finger off.  You had to be careful because with that beak, they won't turn loose of you. Jack would try to take my husband's pencil out of his hand. When I was home on Saturday, I did my own hair and I'd be sitting down on the floor doing something and Jack would pull all of my bobby pins out of my hair.  He was a riot.    Jack loved shrimp and I didn't know it.   The woman who took care of him while we were gone fed him shrimp and shelled peanuts. Everyone wanted to babysit Jack.
Jack died of pneumonia.  I sat up all night with him while he was dying.  He's burried under my rose bush at the other house.   We had him 18 years.
The only thing I regret is that I didn't keep a diary.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I Love The Little Chicken Hens

I was born a vegetarian.  I couldn't stand meat and when my mother tried to get me to eat it, I wouldn't.  I broke being a vegetarian when I married into the children's father's parents' home.  All I can say is I still didn't eat chicken.  I've only had it one time.  My friends were laughin' hysterically because I was inebriated and gnawing on a chicken leg.

The little chickens are put in a chicken house and they're in chains.  The chickens turn around and smack hell out of the rooster that tries to rape them.  So here comes the old rooster strutting saying, "Hey hey look at me."  We're saying, "Yes.  We're looking at you.  You're so beautiful."  It's the rooster that's going to have the misery.  All the little hens that are prisoners in a hen house are waiting to get even.  The rooster comes at night and has the key and is strutting his stuff and saying to the hens,  "See, I've got you where I want you.   I can rape you.  I can do anything.  All the hens have already talked to each other saying,  "Let's get even."  There's nothing as vicious.  Any man will tell you that there's no fury like a female in rage.  Turns out the little hens are the boss because they're secretly planning to lay their groundwork as he's strutting around like a Hitlerite soldier.  So they talk amongst themselves before the rooster comes and they make a union and wait for him. To make a long story short, when that rooster was strutting one night, laughin' at the little hens, he didn't frighten them, but they pretended to be frightened.  They didn't answer when he said, "Don't I look handsome?" and, "Don't you adore me?"  He said, "You better answer me or I'll throw you outside by yourself."  They weren't scared anymore because they all joined together and said their prayers every night.  Now they knew they could destroy that rooster.  It was the little hens that barbecued the rooster when they got out the next day.  They took him out the back field and put him on a rotisserie, but they didn't eat him because they didn't want to contaminate themselves, so they formed circles and danced around him singing their songs of happiness.   They were free range out in the fields pulling up the little worms and smelling the flowers and singing the song, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.  The little hens won the war against the whole rooster.  To this day,  I won't touch chicken because I love the little chicken hens (I'll get into the turkey some other day).

I was thinking, I'm going to get me a a tiny tape recorder and turn it on when I go to sleep, but then I thought that I don't want those thoughts.  It turns almost into poetry.  I guess it has to come spontaneously.  I worked for 3 psychiatrists.  Life is nothing but stepping and stones.  Stop..Look..and Listen.... That is what you do with your life.  My stepping stone is only a prayer away. 

That's the way that stuff is being given to you, Linda and Jim and Laura and Gary.  You see, as I'm speaking, I believe it's coming from our Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise I wouldn't let it develop.  I could stop it otherwise.  I'm talking about how the words skip.  It's not me saying it.  They can use my voice to come through, but you judge me yourself.  This doesn't just happen to me.  It's from many lifetimes.  You see, reincarnation is the answer to the Bible.  Since I was a researcher, I'm talking about the Bible that represents every nationality in the world.  To me, the unforgivable sin was that Jesus was kicked out of heaven.   He was the most beautiful angel, but jealousy creeped in.  The most unforgettable sin is jealousy.  Stop, look, and listen and tear it apart and look what jealousy does.  It wrecks many lives.  I don't know why these words come to me, but what I say isn't me saying it.  I don't have that much intelligence, but it's the guardian angels using this voice box.   I have been Jewish, black, every nationality and many lifetimes.  I'm what's called an old soul talking to you.  I love every one of you listening to me.  Listen quietly.  You have to sit quietly.  It's called meditation.  Our lord Jesus Christs meditated in the garden.  Take it.  Believe it.  Do not believe it.  You have to make the choice.  That's like when a Jewish boy or girl  makes a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah.  He or she is totally responsible for his life.  Even when Jesus was down here, he himself still had the choice.   Linda, Jim, Gary, Laura, Margie, Kathy, all of us make our own choices after our bar mitzvah, the age when we know right from wrong.  Only you are responsible to choose right from wrong.  Now that is the truth and the law always speaks.  That's why we're reborn and reborn until we're made perfect, until we enter the gates of heaven.  Prove it to me I'm wrong.  I'll prove it to you I'm right.   Reincarnation is the proof of the Bible.  Why are so many people against believing in reincarnation?  If you don't believe in it, you don't believe in the Bible.  Take this wine in remembrance of me.  You in me.  I in you.  There was three and then two and then one you see.  Take this bread.  This is my flesh.  I in you.  You in me.  You live many lifetimes.  I will keep on living them until I'm made perfect because I can't be with Jesus unless I'm as pure as He is.   He's my father.

When I was little, I had a Hungarian playmate.  Everywhere I had a mole, I had one where my mother had hers.  I had one every where my playmate had one.  I spoke Hungarian as easy as she could.  I loved her family.  I've been every nationality except Asian.  I don't like the food.  

When you swallow something that goes into every place it belongs to, isn't it true that your stomach has to put it in a washing machine?  If you weren't able to do that, you would die.  If you didn't digest, you would die.

 I love each and every one of you. That's it.  Bye bye.