Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I Will Be Reborn Again

Hello again.  I'm so happy to hear from you.  Linda and Jim,  I think you're getting younger instead of older because of all of the activity and all that you accomplish.   You're going backwards in age and I mean that in the best way possible.   I tried to turn my birthday around from 95 to 59.   What month were you born in?  I want to look up your astrology because you're such happy couple and so young.  God bless that family.  You inherited this close-knitness from someone.  You have fun amongst yourselves.  You don't need outsiders.

 See, I am my best friend.  I talk to my cats, Charlie and Lola.  They come down every morning and I say, "Good morning," to them and I chastise them sometimes too because they're like children.  Lola was in the shelter and was given back twice.  She's independent and doesn't like Charlie.  She'll whack him across the nose and he'll take off running.  They're my family, is what I'm saying. My cat Charlie, walks around and bosses Lola and guards the house, walking like a Terman gestapo soldier, a Hitlerite.

Laura is a scorpio.  Ooohh boy.  Highly intelligent.  You can't fool her.  She can intercept your thoughts.  I studied astrology for a couple years because I was bored when I retired.

Now I don't know what's going to happen when I pass over that river.  I know my rowboat's going to have a lot of holes in it, but it's because I've been baptized 3 times, Baptist, Catholic and Church of God (Protestant minister) that I don't know who's going to take me and be waiting across the river.  Because of  guru I studied in India ( a yogi),  I recognized people from my past life.  I don't know if it will be a guru from India, a Baptist minister, or a Catholic priest.  I hope my Lord Jesus is coming for me.  The Autobiography Of A Yogi.  Read it.  It will interest you. 

I believe in reincarnation.  I was born believing in it.  It has all the answers to life and the hereafter.   I can recognize different lives.  My last life was in England on the isle of Wait.   My father's parents came from there.  I've been in India and I could tell because when I read the autobiography, I would come home from work at night from general motors in the cafeteria and from taking care of the elderly as a nurse's aid (in the 30's-90's) and I was progressing into a higher order of belief.   I've been in Austria.  That's why I love the Austrian music.   I can relax and be in knots and put the record on and the world becomes like soft velvet when I go into meditation.  I've worked my way up to the seven layers of learning.  There are seven layers and we come back to work out karma.  Karma is the way I treat people.  I will come back and  I will be that personality and I will experience how I treated another person.  My last incarnation was India because I love nothing but starches.  I love it.  my favorite is starches and I was born a vegetarian.  I think our Lord Jesus Christ was a vegetarian, but everyone has a right to their own opinion.  When I come forward from my childhood,  I see that I loved the pastel colors.  Now I love forest green and orange.  My past life was loving the pastel shades and colors.  What you like and dislike will tell you your previous lives.  Your music and your gifts that God has given you will also tell you. When you go into medication at the end of the working day, you totally relax and the thoughts that you recognize are the previous lifetime.  If you really want to go further, you quietly go into meditation like when Jesus was on the mount when the devil came to him, (That horny creature.  I don't like to take the energy to give a name to him.) you can be aware of your past.  I would come home and get ready for bed and crawl in bed after working 7-11 and so I would read that autobiography of a yogi and I'd turn the page and once, I sat straight up in bed like electricity, and I recognized that yogi and he was Yogananda.  I turned the page and I recognized this guru.  All at once the tears came streaming down my cheeks because I was so homesick.   Draw your own conclusions but you will recognize if you've had a life in India if you sit quietly. 

I have been in many lives.  The only ones I don't have any recall to are Japan,  China,  and the other Asiatic countries.  England is my love.   I went to California with my husband and we went into this one restaurant and read the menu and ordered red cabbage and I got a second helping.  That's how you can tell what life you're in.   I recognized it instantly.  If I was in Japan and China, I have no recollection of that one.  Those from India are the ones I have total recall that I've found from reading the book.  I recognize things from reading the book. 

I have never been able to get through the reading of the crucifixion or the crucifixion in my prayers.   I cry hysterically.  I watch it.  I had to be there because I can't get through it when I try to read it or say my prayers.  When I get to thanking Him for giving his life and thanking Him for taking my sins upon himself, I cry.

I guarantee you after you read that autobiography, you will have a lot of insight to previous times.
You will recognize your past lives after you read that autobiography of a yogi.  Sometimes,  I'd turn the pages and recognize Paramanhansa Yoganunda.  Don't scoff at it.  Get the book and read it.  You'll recognize somebody.  It'll awaken you to the truth (and every word that Jesus spoke when he walked the earth is the truth.)

I don't care what or who you are, or what you recognize in what I say or not, but if we work together in a lifetime, sometime hundreds of years ago, we were born in that lifetime.

True story:  I was taking care of Laura, a patient who was bedfast.  I was the last nurse that the nurses sent out on that case.  I want to clarify that I was not an RN.  I was a nurse's aid and went through classes at the hospital.  In one life,  I had been a surgeon...a male well-known surgeon and made a mistake.  I did something wrong.  I came back as a low man on a totem pole to become a nurse's aid.   I loved every patient.  When i would go with the doctor on a case in a home, I told them I will do you no harm.  I'm here to help you.  That's the way I still am.  I washed the patient, carried the bedpan.  That's one of my karma's.  I will continue to come back again and again until I'm made perfect and then I will enter the gates of heaven.  I was so sad when Laura died, but when your mother, Laura walked through my door, it was a God-given gift because of my little patient, Laura. You're going to meet, many times, people that were in one of your lifetimes.  That is when Jesus says, "Ye shall be reborn and reborn until ye are made perfect and enter the gates of heaven."  We go through seven layers because we have a chance to undo what we did before. 

Our lord is the most beautiful father anyone on the face of our earth can have, okay? Why didn't his apostles recognize him in the garden and He had to show them the holes in His hand?  He had to have a flesh body in order to stand on this earth.  Now remember that He was perfect and had been at the right hand of God his father.  Jesus had to come back to prove to them because doubt crept into their thoughts.  Thomas the apostle had to put his hand where the sword pierced to have proof, so don't feel bad if you have to have proof.

You come back to work out karma.   I have been black. How else would I understand the blacks and work side by side scrubbing floors?  I understand them.  I cried when I started to read the book about them coming over as slaves.  It tore me to pieces and I couldn't finish it.  I understood the heartache they went through.  My heart ached for them.  That's how you know.  I will be Chinese and Japanese when i'm reborn again.  I will be reborn again.  How else will you know someone you treated badly? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Margie! All of the reincarnation stuff is amazing. How are we to know for sure though? I have never had the "De ja vous" feeling, so maybe this is my first time on the planet! Keep writing your blog because it is interesting! From Laura
